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The Academy is an application and interview-based school of choice for students in grades 9 – 12.

Students must meet one or more of the state’s 13 identifying at-risk criteria.  According to state criteria, a student in grades K-12 is classified as at-risk of dropping out of school if they meet one or more of the following items:

  1. A preK, K, or grade 1,2, or 3 students who did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test;
  2. Did not maintain a 70 average on a scale of 100 in grades 7-12 in 2 or more core subjects during a semester;
  3. Did not advance from one grade to the next;
  4. Did not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument (STAAR/EOC);
  5. Is pregnant or a parent;
  6. Has been in Disciplinary Alternative Educational Placement (DAEP) during the past or current school year;
  7. Has been expelled during the preceding or current school year;
  8. Is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release;
  9. Was previously reported as a dropout;
  10. Is a student of Limited English Proficiency;
  11. Is in the custody of CPS or during this school year has been referred to CPS by school, court, or law enforcement;
  12. Is homeless; and/or
  13. Resided in residential placement the preceding or current school year.
  • Computer-based classes are available for students who need to recover credits for graduation and/or are interested in early graduation. 
  • Students may graduate earlier than their anticipated cohort year; however, they must earn a 26-credit Recommended w/Endorsement diploma to graduate early.
  • General instruction is provided in a teacher-instructed classroom with class sizes of 15 students or less.
  • Academy students may earn credits towards a 22-credit Foundation diploma, 26-credit Recommended w/Endorsement diploma, or 26-credit Distinguished diploma.
  • Students graduating from The Academy will receive an LPISD Academy of Viola DeWalt high school diploma.
  • Intentional social-emotional issues are addressed through restorative practices and positive relationships.